Are you a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with auditing experience and knowledge of Government Auditing Standards who wants to help make your community stronger? The Department of the Auditor General (DAG) is looking for motivated self-starting individuals like you to join our team of fiscal watchdogs. This position is eligible for student loan forgiveness and provides excellent health, savings and retirement benefits. The biggest benefit of all is the impact you can have on making Pennsylvania stronger.
The DAG is looking for a Quality Assurance Specialist 2 to join our Office of Quality Assurance and Technical Services (OQA&TS). An employee in this position will assist OQA&TS in fulfilling audit quality control and assurance responsibilities for the Department including analysis and monitoring effort in accordance with Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) with a specific emphasis on duties related to financial audits and the Single Audit. The OQCT is responsible for maintaining an internal quality control system to monitor the Department's compliance with applicable auditing standards. As part of that responsibility, quality control functions include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Performing ongoing monitoring procedures required by Government Auditing Standards to determine whether policies and procedures related to the standards are suitably designed and effectively applied. This includes, but is not limited to, performing Internal Quality Control Reviews (IQCRs) of audit documentation and reports, assessing the Department's adherence to independence standards, and reviewing the CPE monitoring process.
- Providing technical guidance and assistance throughout the Department, including assisting with the application of auditing and attestation standards.
- Reviewing AIPCA standards, Government Auditing Standards, laws, regulations, manuals, directives, accounting standards, and other literature for potential impact on the performance of the Department's work.
- Maintaining the Department Audit Policy and Procedure Manual and the Technical Reference Material portion of the Department's intranet site to communicate applicable standards and the Department's audit policies and procedures.
- Coordinating the Department's external peer review and participation in the National State Auditors Association (NSAA) Peer Review Program.
- Monitoring quality control issues related to governmental audits at the state and national levels.
- Apprising applicable Department staff of impending changes to standards as well as amendments and new standards.
- Reviewing bureau audit manuals, documentation, programs, approaches, and reports for compliance with applicable auditing standards.
- Maintaining the Department's technical reference library and communicating the availability of materials to employees.
- Participating in the NSAA Peer Review program and on the NSAA Peer Review Committee.
- Corresponding with standards setting bodies and other external organizations such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), and the NSAA.
- Reviewing exposure drafts of proposed auditing and accounting standards and providing responses to the GAO and NSAA.
- Performing assignments as requested to assist in effectively directing the operation of the Department.
Work Schedule and Additional Information:
- Full-time employment
- Work hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday, with a 60-minute lunch.
- Telework: You may have the opportunity to work from home (telework) full-time. In order to telework, you must have a securely configured high-speed internet connection and work from an approved location inside Pennsylvania. If you are unable to telework, you will have the option to report to the headquarters office in Harrisburg.
- Salary: In some cases, the starting salary may be non-negotiable.
- You will receive further communication regarding this position via email. Check your email, including spam/junk folders, for these notices.
QUALIFICATIONS Minimum Experience and Training Requirements:
- Possession and maintenance of an active license as a Certified Public Accountant; and
- Minimum of 3 years auditing experience conducting engagements in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and/or AICPA professional auditing or attestation standards; and
- Minimum of 2 years review experience to ensure audit documentation complies with applicable professional auditing and/or attestation standards.
Additional Requirements:
- You must be able to perform essential job functions.
How to Apply:
- You must attach a resume to your application for review by the hiring manager. However, the information contained therein will not be considered for the purposes of determining your eligibility for the position. Information to support your eligibility for the position must be provided on the application (i.e., relevant, detailed experience/education).
- If you are claiming education in your answers to the supplemental application questions, you must attach a copy of your college transcripts for your claim to be accepted toward meeting the minimum requirements. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
- Your application must be submitted by the posting closing date. Late applications and other required materials will not be accepted.
- Failure to comply with the above application requirements may eliminate you from consideration for this position.
- Pennsylvania law (51 Pa. C.S. *7103) provides employment preference for qualified veterans for appointment to many state and local government jobs. To learn more about employment preferences for veterans, go to www.employment.pa.gov/Additional%20Info/Pages/default.aspx and click the Veterans' Preference tab or contact us at ra-cs-vetpreference@pa.gov.
Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS):
- 711 (hearing and speech disabilities or other individuals).
If you are contacted for an interview and need accommodations due to a disability, please discuss your request for accommodations with the interviewer in advance of your interview date. The Commonwealth is an equal employment opportunity employer and is committed to a diverse workforce. The Commonwealth values inclusion as we seek to recruit, develop, and retain the most qualified people to serve the citizens of Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, ancestry, union membership, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, AIDS or HIV status, disability, or any other categories protected by applicable federal or state law. All diverse candidates are encouraged to apply.